To start the day off, I woke up late (I'm talking mid afternoon!), then had to get an epic move on in order to reach London by 7, and to add extra time for some snow treckage! I was supposed to be meeting up with some of my fellow gig friends, to pub it up beforehand, but that didn't happen. On route to London, my mates called to say that somebody had a heart attack on the train before Camden town, so there were delays on the Northen Line.
My hair also went flat. I had a victory roll at the right side of my head, but it deflated. The top roll bit stuck however, and I ended up with something coiffed on top of my head. Aces! :)
Anyway, the gig was awesome! The support was little to be disired however, tad flat if you ask me. (The Fearless Vampire Killers, followed by Obsecure Pleasures). Needless to say, WiL perked up the atmosphere. He played the new album, which sounds alot better live than it did on cd, but then from listening to the cd afterwards, maybe I just needed to hear it live first to love it? He also played the new track from the Underworld 4 film, which was truely breath taking. The classics wern't missed off either :)
I partied, and I partied hard. I also kind of lost my voice abit from singing/screaming so loud (I sounded like a man, it was good). The atmosphere was weird though. There were loads of people that just didn't sing or dance? I fail to see why these poeple buy gig tickets, to not even act like their enjoying it?
The squares.
Anyway, as tradition in gig terms, I stayed behind afterwards. I even managed to apprently make fun of William and his attempt of saying 'Bloke'. His doesn't sound right...
If you ever get a chance to see William Control, go. It truely is an odd experience. Kind of like an orgy rave, but with goths and scarey looking teenagers.